Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tall Ships

Last weekend the tall ships came into Dana Point. They are glorious! We went on the evening Cannon Battle Cruise! It was fabulous. That is until I was forced to keep my eyes on the horizon. Well, maybe not forced. I could have looked away. But that would have meant losing my lunch. So I chose the horizon. Note to self: Always take motion sickness tablet before boarding any seagoing vessel.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Morning Retreat

Summer is famous for its gatherings. Barbeques, pool parties, and beach days with friends are all part of what makes summer so appealing. This morning I had the pleasure of relaxing in the beautiful garden of my friend, Nina. Despite the heat we enjoyed breakfast and fellowship in the cool shade of her backyard.

Inspired by a meal I had at the Mustard Cafe I put together these open faced sandwiches. They are so simple but so yummy. And I used the Heirloom tomatoes that I hand picked at Tanaka Farms.
These yogurt cups were very refreshing on this warm summer morning.
And blueberry muffins completed the menu.
It was the perfect spread.
There are so many beautiful things growing in Nina's garden.
I hope you are all staying cool in this heat.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Trabuco Hills High School Senior - Class of 2013

In our neighborhood there are so many kids of many ages. And I am often surprised when I see the 3 year old who, just a second ago, was an infant in his mother's arms running around the front yard. But it's not until your realize that that preschooler who you've watched grow up is now a young man graduating from high school. It seems like just a month ago that I would see him walking home from junior high then shortly after that he would whiz by behind the wheel of a car and now he's a handsome young man ready to leave his family and go off to college. Congratulations, Garrett! It was an honor for me to be able to take your senior portraits. 

At the end of our session I had intended for Garrett to sit right there on that stone wall. But when we got there someone else had claimed that spot and we decided it was best for us to move on and let him have it ;)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Wendy Rueter, Sports Photographer?

So I am not a huge sports fan, but when it comes to watching the kids play I am all over it! The boys in our family play a variety of games. My son and a couple of his cousins play soccer and a couple more play baseball. I never dreamed I'd enjoy taking pictures at their games as much as I do.

So while I think my first love is taking portraits, I have a huge crush on sports photography! If you ever just want some great shots of your kids during their games let me know. I'd be happy to arrange a Sports session for you!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Crean Lutheran High School Senior - Class of 2013

It's not too late to have senior portraits taken! Last week I met Dirk and his mom at a local park. I had only met Dirk once before. You may remember his family from this post. And we just as much fun the second time around. Thank you, Dirk! It was a truly blast working with you.

Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm Back

For the past couple of months my attention has been completely focused on my yearbook project. Today was my deadline. About a half an hour ago I passed the point of no return and clicked "Submit". I wish I could say that it was a freeing moment. But until I have the book in my hands and can page through it and see that my vision was realized I will worry about misspellings, even margins, design flaws or worst - I will worry that I completely forgot to include a child. But enough about my insecurities.

For me the yearbook process includes many hours of attending events like soccer games, art classes and chapel taking pictures to include. This past weekend our school was a part of a fun community event at a local park. And I was there with my camera in hand. I was excited to see my friend Rhys (pictured above) and his mommy hanging out at the play dough table. Talk about a cutie pie!

Well, I'm afraid that's all I have for today. 
Happy Monday. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Field Trip

This morning I went with my son's class to the Sergerstrom Concert Hall to see a performance of the Orange County Youth Symphony Orchestra. Dress code for the morning was Easter Sunday Best. I was so proud of our kids. They were well mannered and they looked great!

I will miss days like this.